Narropil Honey Enterprises Narropil Honey enterprises is a honey producer and processor enterprise in Kenya, currently producing and marketing high quality liquid honey and bee by-products. Peter the founder of Narropil knows honey is vital part of the culture and lives of Maasai communities, where he comes from, seeing the wastage of good honey in the rural communities, he founded Narropil to leverage this opportunity, he as trained and equipped 52 women farmers with beehive to tender to them at their homestead. Together with his team they harvest the honey from the farmers three times a year, he pays the farmer per kilogram harvested and he processes the honey for local markets. Narropil Honey prides itself in producing natural honey, using methods that are environmentally conscious and protective to the ecosystem. Narropil honey goals is to sustainable produce and supply natural honey and bee by-products, while impacting the local women bee-farmers who supply their raw material to enterprise.